Pancreatic Cancer Action

Jog Jan 2022

Katie Hendry

Katie Hendry

My Story

I've signed up for Jog Jan for Pan Can to raise funds and awareness for Pancreatic Cancer Action. And to start 2022 with a focus on my own fitness, health and wellbeing.

Pancreatic Cancer Action is the only charity that specifically focuses on improving pancreatic cancer outcomes through early diagnosis, raising awareness of the symptoms with the public and ensuring that everyone affected by pancreatic cancer is offered access to support, free information and care.

The money raised will also fund innovative research to provide better treatments for pancreatic cancer. 

Having seen how quickly my gran deteriorated after diagnosis and how little quality time we had with her, this really underscores the need for better treatments for this illness. More than half of those diagnosed with pancreatic cancer die within 3 months, an unacceptable statistic in 2021. 

It's also becoming more common, projected to become the 2nd leading cause of cancer deaths after lung cancer. We desperately need to increase our fundraising to develop better screening, so more people can be diagnosed early and have a better chance at surival, and better treatment, so that traditional treatments like chemotherapy are able to do more for this disease.




  • Target
  • Raised so far
  • Number of donors

My Story

I've signed up for Jog Jan for Pan Can to raise funds and awareness for Pancreatic Cancer Action. And to start 2022 with a focus on my own fitness, health and wellbeing.

Pancreatic Cancer Action is the only charity that specifically focuses on improving pancreatic cancer outcomes through early diagnosis, raising awareness of the symptoms with the public and ensuring that everyone affected by pancreatic cancer is offered access to support, free information and care.

The money raised will also fund innovative research to provide better treatments for pancreatic cancer. 

Having seen how quickly my gran deteriorated after diagnosis and how little quality time we had with her, this really underscores the need for better treatments for this illness. More than half of those diagnosed with pancreatic cancer die within 3 months, an unacceptable statistic in 2021. 

It's also becoming more common, projected to become the 2nd leading cause of cancer deaths after lung cancer. We desperately need to increase our fundraising to develop better screening, so more people can be diagnosed early and have a better chance at surival, and better treatment, so that traditional treatments like chemotherapy are able to do more for this disease.